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All you've ever wanted to know about June 26th 2009
All you've ever wanted to know about June 26th 2009
Derniers commentaires
27 février 2009

Une suggestion: on se présente?

Il y a fort à parier que tous ceux qui vont finir par passer sur ce blog connaissent soit Natalia, soit Gaëtan, soit les deux! Mais j'imagine assez bien que le 26 juin prochain, nous allons peut-être avoir du mal à identifier qui est qui, qui arrivera des Etats-Unis, qui aura fait la route d'Espagne, qui est la cousine, l'ami d'enfance, etc...
Pourquoi ne pas profiter de ce blog pour commencer à faire connaissance?
J'imagine que lançant le sujet, je me dois d'ouvrir le bal.
Donc par ici, Karine, soeur de Gaëtan. Mariée à Ludovic. 2 enfants, Marie 5 ans et Mathieu 4 mois et demi et deux dents à ce jour!
Je passe le relai au prochain...français? américain? espagnol???

Once upon a time, somewhere in the night : (copy / paste)<br /> <br /> Souvenirs, souvenirs d'un ancien collègue au choix : de travail, de soirées (je suis bien obligé de le mettre au pluriel), de ski, de rando, de resto, de vacances...<br /> <br /> Bises de la Authier Family<br /> Pierre Céline and Clémence junior
First of all, this blog is a very good idea. Just the name says it all: parisbostonvibe ... <br /> <br /> I did not really know in which section to put my comments in, as all of them deserved some (ie, the attire, the dance with the shirt, ...), but I finally opted for the Presentation one. So, let me introduce myself in my poor and limited English. <br /> <br /> As opposed to some previously above cited authors, I am not the personal ennemy of any of their neighboor (I actually do not know any of them), but as the same above cited author: <br /> - I think broadcasting the wedding party on a big screen would be top, <br /> - I love their great music parties where you can stay up all night: tout le monde se rappelle de cette phrase de Gaetan a l'un de ses proches amis qui s'en allait apres une de ces soirees "Quoi ? Tu t'en vas deja, mais il est seulement 5h30 du matin ..."<br /> <br /> Like one of the above authors, I think Green & Pink for this blog is ... how to put it ... somewhat ... but after all, if they like it like that, so be it. <br /> <br /> I would like to add that I have known G&N for long, long time. I love to visit them for multiple reasons, such as the cuisine experience (they bring back specialities from all over the world), listening cool music that they discovered during a trip to the most exotic places, sharing their lasting impressions after an international journey, and trying to catch up with them on a ski slope ... <br /> <br /> Currently living in London, I am the one who speaks English with the thick French accent.
Creo que esta es la enesima vez que Natalia me habla del Blog y envia el link del blog, hasta que al fin me decido decidido a escribir.<br /> <br /> Aunque mi apodo no tenga nada que ver conmigo ;) jiji, por darle gusto a Natalita me hago llamar la Guiza.<br /> <br /> En que pais de America Latina sera comunmente usada esta palabra?<br /> Pues de alli vengo yo, asi qe si quieren bailar una buena salsa en el matri de Natalia y Gaetan, tendran que adivinar quien soy durante la fiesta.<br /> :)<br /> <br /> HASTA PRONTO
Ok, as you all can guess, i'm at work right now and don't really feel like working much (the usual friday afternoon sickness?)... so i decided to come to this blog and to write a few words.<br /> <br /> As i said previously in French, then in Spanish, and even though i don't like to repeat myself, i want to leave something clear: i'm not writing in this blog by my own will, but because i've actually received many insults and threats and mad looks by the actual editor of this blog whom, I have to say it, has a very... doubtful? taste for chosing colors... green and pink? <br /> <br /> No doubt, the ugliest blog i've ever seen, but surely the one ith which i'll have the most fun!!!!<br /> <br /> For everyone coming to Paris for THE event, please don't hesitate to contact me for anything you might need! My name is Francisco, and i guess you can find my email somewhere in this blog!<br /> <br /> Cheers!
perdon, que idea la mia la de escribir en francés!!! Si se enteran en España, me matan!<br /> <br /> Me llamo Francisco (para los franceses e ingleses que no consiguen pronunciar Curro, que es como me llaman en mi tierra!). Natalia me amenazo con cortarme los $£%* (literalmente) si no escribia en este blog, asi que no me ha quedado mucha eleccion!<br /> <br /> Tambien le comenté que este blog (con esos colores a la Agatha Ruiz de la Prada en verde y rosa) es probablemente el mas feo que he visto, pero seguramente con el que mejor nos lo vamos a pasar!!!<br /> <br /> Claro, que ese comentario fue justo antes de que me echara de su casa, asi que no me atrevo a repetirlo! Espero que no lea esto!!!<br /> <br /> Para los españoles que vengan a Paris, si necesitais cualquier cosa, no dudeis en mandarme un mail!!!!<br /> <br /> Hasta pronto!
All you've ever wanted to know about June 26th 2009